Featured Speakers

Adam Buckler

Ron Stevens

Andres Durst

Rodney Loper

Schedule of Events

Wednesday  January 29

7:00 PM Music

7:30 PM Opening Rally
Rodney Loper


Thursday  January 30

7:00 PM Music

7:30 PM Evening Service
Ron Stevens


Friday  January 31

6:45 PM Music

7:30 PM Evening Service
Rodney Loper

10:00 PM Afterglow
West Snyder Elementary


Saturday  February 1

9:00-10:00 AM Morning Meal 
James Bates Youth Center

10:00 AM Solomon Shaffer
Beavertown Church
Seek First—Pursuing God Above All

12:45 PM Activities 
YMCA at The Miller Center

2:30–4:30 PM Afternoon Meal 
YMCA at The Miller Center

7:00 PM Music 
Beavertown Church

7:30 PM Evening Service
Ron Stevens

Sunday  February 2

9:15 AM Music and Testimonies

10:00 AM Morning Worship
Rodney Loper

12:00 PM Lunch

1:30 PM Leonard Raub
“The Shepherd Seeks—God’s Heart for the Lost”

2:15 PM Ben and Brenda Smith
Seek Wisdom—Navigating Godly Relationships

3:00 PM Josh Modlin
Seek, Knock, and Open—God’s Guidance

3:45 PM Choir Practice

4:30 PM Supper

5:30 PM Music

6:00 PM Closing Rally
Ron Stevens

CHILDREN’S SERVICES  in the James Bates Youth Center
Wednesday–Saturday: 7:30 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM

Friday: 10:00 PM — West Snyder Elementary
Saturday: 12:45 PM–4:30 PM — YMCA at The Miller Center
Sunday: 1:30 PM–4:30 PM — James Bates Youth Center


Addresses and information about each event venue.

Future Event Dates

Mark your calendars and plan to attend every year!


Your donations are what makes the convention possible.

Youth Convention 2024

Click below to watch archived videos from our 2024 convention.